American National T Shirts using the U.S. Civilian Flag as the logo declaring one is on the land jurisdiction with constitutional guaranteed rights. You will need to file documents that correct your political status back as a State National to go on offense legally.
American is a nation of 50 Nation States based on the Greek model. Every American has been tricked into becoming
either a U.S citizen or a Citizen of the United States with the Birth certificate fraud. All Americans are listed on the federal government database as a federal government employee subject to either the Territorial government (British Crown) a U.S Citizen or a U.S municipal citizen Slave registered with the Municipal City governments controlled by the (Pope). The Vatican allows Slavery.
The attempt to force vaccinate is coming from the Municipalities, which NYC Mayor Deblasio is attempting to do with the Vaccine Passports. It's all based on the use of Roman Civil law which allows Fraud, so grow a backbone, correct your political status and just say No! The flag is a declaration of your political status.
If you need information on correcting your political status, email me There are several options available to correct your political Status.
If you want a discount on T Shirts min order 20, email me as well.